Shortcutstocash.com has been online since 2011 so it is about 6 years old. Now most companies that are scammers really won't last that long and after they get too many complaints they leave the webiste. Reason is because most companies that are basically just collecting registration fees and not providing any real pay begin getting complaints on the internet. Most of them you will find not just a few complaints but you will see hundreds. So my first guess would be that these guys are obviously paying their members since their record online is pretty darn clean.
I have done a recent search and came across a couple of good reviews and was also surprised to come across a video on you tube talking about one of their other sites called "typingathome.net". This guy went on to say that not only did he get paid once but he was paid several times. He showed proof he was being paid by western union and he claimed the last payment which was actually for this month I believe, and he earned in the tune of over $600. Now if you anyone who has ever tried any type of jobs or business opps online, you would know that $600 USD is almost unheard of unless of course you are a super affiliate or something like that. But in reality, most people do not make more than $100 in a year.
For instance, take pay per click. Pay per click work is where you are asked to view different websites for a matter of 15 to 20 seconds each and you will be paid something like 000.1 cent per view. Now remember .0001 cent is NOT 1 cent is is 1 cent broken in to pieces. I think it is something like one tenth of a cent. Meaning it is much less than even 1 sent per view. Now how many views would you have to do per day to even earn $5? That would probably take you all day long.
Next you have your affiliate programs. Now affiliate programs are where you advertise for companies and earn a percentage of sales you obtain through your advertising. You can make a few bucks from this and most people make only that.However, some can do very well but it's only about 5% of the population that make anything over a couple of bucks here and there.
Next you have your MLM companies which is multi level marketing. This is similar to affiliate marketing however it is a bit different in that you are actually recruiting people. Then when those people under you make a sale you get part of that which is very miniscule meaning it's a very small amount and not very profitable.
You also have article writing. Companies usually pay you about $3 to $5 per article for probably 500 words.Now unless you love to write, this is not an easy thing. You have to research what you're writing about. you have to make it interesting and it basically just has to be good.So unless you are an experienced writer, this could become very hard work for very little pay. Then you have your adsense which can be used for blogging or youtubing (creating your own youtube channel.
Okay so these are just a few examples of your typical business opps you have available to you online that don't pay very well for the most part.
Final Thought
I came across this testimonial from www.typingathome.net through another article - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwBd6SDhonE or you can view it above.
If you listen closing to what this gentleman is saying he is saying his first pay through western union was $170 and his most recent payment in august 2017 was for over $600.
This company through my research has come up rosy and clean so my final thought is that they are very much real and a very rare thing to come by. I just may join myself to give an even more in depth view.
So far These are the websites that seem to be connected to shortcutstocash.com below.
Typingathome.net ,www.formfillingjobs.net ,www.shortcutstocash.com ,www.workfromhomewizards.com ,