Data Entry/Home Typist Jobs, Scam or Not?
You have most likely come across this page because you have seen ads like this
- "Make $3000 a Day Guaranteed!"
- "Hiring Ad Paste Typists"
- "Data Entry Clerk/ $2000+ a day!"
- "Data Entry Job- 30K/Month"
- "$20/per hour for Data Entry"
"Are all Data Entry Jobs a Scam?" This is a typical question I hear all the time.
Well the sad truth is that about %94 of Data Entry Jobs are scams. These people prey
on poor people, low income people, even middle class people, single mothers,
students and so on..
Most of these Data Entry and Home Typist companies are only out to take your money
and do not care about you.
If you ask me, I think all of These Fraudsters need to put in jail!
However, There are a few good companies out their that are actually
legitimate and you can make some really Great income if you could just weed out the
Scam Sites!
You just have to do your research and sometimes this can be so
overwhelming that most people will quit before they will find them.
Here are some typical ways that you can spot a Data Entry Scam.
#1. If they make claims of making ridiculous amounts of money a day like
$2000-$3000+.(I've seen this so many times).
#2. If they require you to do google adsense or pay-per-click ads in order to make
money. Google Adsense can cost you your whole savings without the proper training.
This is the biggest warning sign of a scam!
#3. If the job site does not provide you with a valid email address, No help
section, no faq, no email support. Not all website have a contact phone number but as
long as they provide a real contact email then that's okay.
#4.Make sure the work at home site is not a free hosted site. If the site offering
the opportunity/job, is hosted for free, it is most likely a scam.
#5.If the job guarantees you to make an x amount of money per day or month (Because
there would be no way of them knowing this).
#6.If the website in question does NOT have a earning disclaimer page.
An earning disclaimer page will usually tell you that they DO NOT
guarantee you a specific income monthly which is actually a very good sign that they
are being honest.
How To Spot a Legitimate Data Entry Job:
Well the same rule applies for answers 1-6 above.
A good Data Entry Company will
#1. Will not make promises of exaggerated income amounts daily or monthy.
#2. Not require Google Adsense or Pay Per Click.
#3.That have a valid way to be contacted, via email or some type of contact form as
well as a help section, a members area and a Faqs page.
#4.Have a valid business website.
#5.Does not guarantee a specific income.
#6.Has an Earning Disclaimer Page that is honest and does not promise you to become
rich or refer to their program as a "Get Rich Scheme".
Out of all the questions and confusion, I decided to conduct my own test over the
last 4 months. I have researched several of these Data Entry/Home Typing Programs
and chose to test 30 of the most advertised ones out there. I have narrowed it down
to 1 that I found to be the best out of the 30 tested.
2 programs passed the scam test, met all of the qualifications and what sold
me the most on them was their support team.
They were the only 2 that answered my emails promptly, answered all of my questions
and have the most efficient members area and easy to follow instructions.
To me, these are some of the Most Important things to be successful in any
online business.
I was able to make money within the first few days with this one and gradually began to make a
substantial amount of money the more I put time and effort into it.
MAKE-N-DOLLARS: This has been around for about 6 years. This is an
internet-based job only, and offers a step by step guide on earning extra money with
easy to follow directions, Not a "Get Rich Scheme". You can easily make $150-$250 and
up per day with this one as well.
Price: $49.95
Guarantee: YES. 90 day Risk Free/Money back Guarantee
Format: Online members area/ step by step instructions
Earnings Potential: 9/10
Success Rate: 9/10
Ease of Use: 10/10
1)Program delivers legitimate results with desired income
2)Great customer support
3)Easy to follow directions
4)step by step guidance
5)No hidden fees
I hope that I have provided you with satisfactory information to find a legitimate
Data Entry/Home Typing Job, work from home opportunity.
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