Monday, August 13, 2012 Review Finally!!!


Is a Scam? Some people actually use the word "scam" inappropriately a lot of the times. An actual scam is when someone makes up a story to get your money, then never provides you with anything in return. So, when you say is a scam, I say no. Typing At Home is actually affiliated with a few other websites I'm familiar with and even work with, so I know first hand they are not a scam. However, it is not for everyone. Some people do not like the idea of having to pay an upfront fee. I actually didn't like it either until I understood why.  You see, these types of businesses are very small and do not have a lot of money. They have to take on all the administrative costs just to make a job like this available for people like us. Then they have to pay for a team of people to grade your assignments. So I figure, if they didn't ask for a registration fee, there's really no way I or anyone else would be able to get paid. You have to remember, most of the people they hire are not asked for a resume and don't really have any skills to get a good job. In this economy people are really struggling, so sometimes you just have to take what you can get.

I joined a similar program and it has worked very well for me. I am not going to tell you I make a ton of money, I don't. But I make enough to pay most of my bills and that's a HUGE help for someone like me.
I mean I see people everyday looking for "get rich quick schemes" and I feel sorry for them. It's because they don't exist, but people still waste time searching for them everyday. I guess just like they do playing the lottery. Although you have a better chance at winning the lottery (lol).

Never heard of Typing At Home? It's a program that offers many different job packages to do (mostly ad posting). It's fairly simple and you can do it in your spare time for extra money. Each package comes with a fee. The more you want to earn, the more the fee is. I look at it this way, if I pay $100 and I make back even just $100 a month, I will have profited $1100 that I could have sitting in the bank. So there's no loss for me at least. It's just common sense. Just beware of some of these companies. They are not all good. There are MANY scams that offer this same work, so if you want to do this stick with the ones that Sari Balhi or Tom Foley own. do NOT ever join kenoutsource. Look them up online and you will see why!

Good luck!


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